
House & History

Heritage House

The Mollie Nye House was built in 1913 in anticipation of the arrival of Mollie Nye to parents Jack and Olive, who were among the first homesteaders in Lynn Valley. The house remains much the same as it did in 1913, with the exception of the basement which was added to provide additional space for community programmes and events.

The Nye family were involved in all aspects of the community and Mollie was no exception. She taught thousands of children over the years and was awarded both the Canadian Centenary Medal and the Queen’s medal for her services to the community. After her retirement, Mollie loved to invite visitors into her home and today we are proud to continue that tradition.

Present Day

Now owned by the District of North Vancouver, The House is operated by the Lynn Valley Services Society and is home to the Lynn Valley Seniors and the Lynn Valley Community Associations.

The House and gardens are lovingly maintained by a small staff and a large band of dedicated volunteers. Our goal is to provide a gathering place where residents feel welcome, to offer activities of all kinds, and special events which strengthen the sense of belonging and community. Our charming rooms are also available to the community to rent for meetings, parties, workshops, and more, which can be accommodated during daytime, evening or weekend.

Please feel free to drop in and check us out!


Mollie Nye

Mollie became a well-known and popular school-teacher in several North Vancouver schools over the years. She spent most of her career at Sutherland High School – 22 years there. Mollie Nye lived in this same house for most of her life and, like her father, was very active in community life.

She was an avid gardener and a lifetime member of the Lynn Valley Garden Club. The beautiful garden at the Mollie Nye House is a loved – and loving -tribute to her skills as a gardener. Some of the plants are from her original garden. Mollie also sponsored Red Cross Clubs in all of the schools where she taught. Her community spirit is a big part of what the gift of her home means to Lynn Valley.

Learn more about Mollie Nye here.